but not really. We have a barely 2 car garage. Like it fits 2 sedans. Don’t think about getting more than one car in there if you have an SUV. We, also, have a ton of equipment from Hubs businesses. Organization and maximizing space is a must. Here are a few things we did.
- Put stuff in the crawl space if you can. I put most of our backyard gardening stuff in there.
- Hang what you can! We used this for the ladder, this for bikes, and this to hang what we could.
- Shelving. We have 2 kinds. Narrower wire shelves and these wider ones. We probably have 10+ of the wire ones in various configurations between the attic, garage, office, storage unit, closets, etc. Some even have bin! I love that all of these have adjustable shelves so you can fit tall or short things.
- Contain. I used what we had on hand but I had some drawers like these for cables (we have SO many!) and I used reusable zip ties to keep as many wrapped up as possible. Velcro straps also work well! Big bins are nice too. I like clear so you can see what’s in them.
- I am thinking about making some “parking spaces” with tape on the floor for the few toys we can’t hang.
- I avoided garage ceiling storage because we need access to stuff easily and frequently. BUT I love the idea for seasonal stuff. We just don’t have much of that yet. And I highly recommend labeling the BOTTOM of the bins
What ever you do, make sure it works for you and your family! If it’s not sustainable, then something needs to change.
Happy organizing!