This is probably one of my most favorite activities ever. Why? because it keeps kids busy for a while, it’s easy to set up, and you can use it for SO MANY topics.
I have used it for matching:
– letters: same case or different
-numbers: match the numbers, match the number with the word, or match the number with a representation (dots, tally marks, pictures)
-beginning words/sight words
-math facts
This time we did sight words. You can make your own on Post its notes or print them off on cardstock and use tape. I think I prefer the cardstock + tape method best. That way you can save them and use the cards for Memory or Go Fish.
Here’s the idea. Make/print your cards and hide one set around the room. Level up and do it around the whole house or go outside. Then line up the second set on a table. Send the kid around to find the cards. This is a great time to clean, cook, do dishes, or pee alone. Then help the kid match as much as they need. G is good about matching them but I stand there and help her say the words since she hasn’t learned them all yet.
I printed the sight words from