We kind of neglected our garden for a while. When we went back out there we found about a million peppers. Jalapeno, Anaheim, and bell peppers. I was able to freeze a good bit but wanted to try something else. So I made pepper jelly.
I found a bunch of recipes on line and used that to make up my own.
3 lbs of peppers. I did a mix of hot and sweet. About half and half. Next time I will use more hot because my jelly didn’t have much of a kick at all.
just under a cup of sugar because that was all I had. I will cut back on the sugar next time. Maybe half a cup.
about 3/4 cup of white vinegar
2 cups of water. Reduce this next time. Took a long time to cook down.
-remove seeds, membranes, and stems then rouch chop
-mix everything in a pot and cook on the stove.
-blend peppers. I used this
-keep cooking until it’s as thick as you want.
I got about 2 maybe 3 cups total. I froze some to use later. I saw you can use pepper jelly on wings!
I ate pepper jelly with cream cheese on a cracker for lunch. It was amazing. Not spicy at all. But it was very yummy.