I was really annoyed when I found out nut and seed butters have a lot of added stuff. Especially sugar. Like… Why? It’s so good without it. So I figured out that you can make you own.
almonds, peanuts(you can def use others but these are the ones I have tired and liked). I almost always use dry roasted, unsalted peanuts.
I use the individual smoothie cups that came with my blender. Fill it almost all the way, screw on the blade lid, and blend. It can take a little while and you might need to open it up and mix it a little. But keep blending until it’s the consistency you like.
the blender makes a lot of heat for this so the peanut butter will be warm when it’s done. Doesn’t bother me but if you don’t want that, make this ahead of time.
once its done, put it in the fridge. It really is some of the best peanut butter you will have.