Dot Stickers

I have probably written 10 posts on Dot Stickers at this point but I legit love them.

I keep some in my backpack with some paper and crayons. That way I always have a quick activity.

Today we went to the library for “ABC Craft and Learn”. It’s this awesome storytime at our library that’s kinda in the middle of my 2 kids academically. G always has a blast. They talk about a letter, read a book, and do a craft. It’s really great.

Anyways….. M is hit or miss with how long he will sit there. He’s usually into the craft but the rest is hard for a 2 year old.

I convinced him to sit at a table and grabbed my stickers, paper, and a pen.

I started with drawing circles to put the stickers in. Then I did a line and a triangle for him to “trace” with stickers. He really impressed me with the matching though. I did letters, numbers, and shapes. He was able to match them pretty much exactly.

I was, also, impressed that it kept him entertained long enough to get to the craft!

Happy Sticker-ing!

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