G doesn’t love writing. I mean, I get it. It’s hard. Probably boring. Takes a lot of hand-eye-coordination and mental focus. So getting her to practice isn’t easy. She does like writing notes to friends but that’s about it. I wanted to do something we haven’t done before.
I came up with this activity to see if it would help her get excited.
I wrote out a bunch of words she should be able to decode/sound out. I did a math page too with adding and subtraction problems she can do but I didn’t write the answer.
I wrote the letters on stickers all mixed up. Side note- these stickers are fun for SO many things!
She matched the stickers and then wrote the words/numbers.
It took her a while but she did it. One day we took them to a coffee date and had fun doing it together. She did the math all by herself. The lowercase we did together and she decoded all the words! She didn’t do the uppercase ones yet. She had fun writing them in chalk so I let it go. As long as she is writing, I am happy. And I don’t want to push too hard or it will back fire. I am so proud of the progress she has made!! She gets a big smile on her face when she comes to show me, so I think she is proud of herself, too.
Let me know if you use this or modify it!